This blueprint is not associated with any Political Party. In fact, Powerful Parties and factions are destructive to representative government as George Washington warned us in his farewell speech. Our goal is fundamental Restoration not Transformation of the original limited government led by George Washington. Transformation has led to the growth of a huge, powerful and […]
Posts Tagged ‘Constitution’
Who Loves Ya Baby?
People help people, Governments help themselves. The greedy in government do not protect us from greed, they merely monopolize it. – Dr. Society The Politicians and bureaucrats who run the government are just as flawed and greedy as the rest of us. The more power you give to a government the more corrupt it becomes. Just as ours has […]
Concrete Steps to take.
The 12 step program to end addiction to government. Awareness Stop government Theft and unconstitutional Spending Set limits Create a stable currency. Stop the pork Return government representation to the people. Accountability Reduce government pay Reduce dependence on Government Restore State’s Power. Military and Foreign Policy. Reform the Legal System To accomplish the above steps, drive the CARR (Constitutional Amendment Repeal and Repair).