Archive for January, 2011

Monday, January 24th, 2011 at 5:30pm

A hard Habit to break. (Humor)

Posted by admin in America

President Obama is standing outside the White House smoking a cigarette and rehearsing his next speech.   Suddenly his chief of Staff bursts out the door.   “Sir, you have to stop”  he says.   Obama looks at him and then his cigarette.   “Uh why the concern?” the President says quizzically.   “I’m worried this habit […]

Sunday, January 23rd, 2011 at 8:10am

Gold and Silver is Money – not you

Posted by admin in America

What we have been conditioned to call money, today, is a Federal Reserve bank note, no longer backed by a fixed value of gold but rather based on debt, backed by the government’s ability to take your assets.  That’s right, you are money!  You are also the capital which the banks loan out and make interest on.  Isn’t that special?  Want to find out how that works vs. how it should work?  Keep […]

Friday, January 14th, 2011 at 2:58pm

Did you Know?

Posted by admin in America

The meaning of consuming the "Forbidden Fruit" of  knowledge good and bad is the loss of our ability to objectively process facts without an emotional component of good or bad.   Our reality is built on a foundation of, at best half-truths and distortions.   Let's clear up a few. Using Ethanol as fuel is not a progressive new idea – Lamps used Ethanol […]

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011 at 7:00pm

Spit out the Rotten Apple

Posted by admin in America

Government in the small leads to justice for all. Government in the large leads to a tyranny in charge. – Dr. Society    Two Apples – an analogy: The first was picked a long time ago, but it is still firm and of a reliable domestic species that doesn't rot easily. The other was picked more recently […]

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011 at 9:37am

How should we treat Islam?

Posted by admin in America

How should we treat Islam?   Should Islam be constitutionally protected as a Religion? Does Islam fit the Founder's definition of Religion?      A Religion is between man and G-d and may not influence or control the State.   Islamic Law is the State and therefore crosses the boundary from Religion to Religiously authorized Political system.     Islam's "Holy" books are mostly Political in nature.  They […]
