Archive for September, 2010

Friday, September 24th, 2010 at 10:14am

There is No such thing as a Free Benefit

Posted by admin in America

There is no such thing as "free".   Someone pays for it. There is no such thing as a "government" benefit. Government has no money to pay for it. Government gets all it's money from you.   Government investment does not respond to market signals of supply and demand.   They are the result of Political decisions.   Unlimited access to […]

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010 at 4:44pm

The Intelligent Free Market

Posted by admin in America

“The free market is like a perfectly tailored suit that will last a lifetime.  Government control is like a cheap suit that despite endless alterations never fits right and eventually winds up in tatters.” – Dr. Society What makes the free market so intelligent and superior to centrally planned economies?  You do.  Every one of […]

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010 at 2:16pm

Unintended Consequences

Posted by admin in America

Government legislation, laws and regulations “solve” a problem through  coercion and almost always have unintended bad consequences.   A few non intuitive examples: TRAFFIC SIGNALS CAUSE MORE ACCIDENTS. – research shows that traffic flows better with less accidents when there are no traffic signals.   Drivers have to be more alert so they make less mistakes. Drivers signal to each […]

Friday, September 10th, 2010 at 1:16pm

The Theft, not the love, of Money is the root of all evil.

Posted by admin in Uncategorized

The income tax is immoral on many levels. It permits the government nearly unlimited access to the people’s wealth. It opens the door to inquisitorial intrusion into their private affairs. And it introduces such complexity into the law that everyone is a potential criminal. Three strikes—why isn’t it out? Alas, something can be immoral and […]
