Archive for the ‘America’ Category

Friday, May 8th, 2015 at 10:12am

Jail the regulators not the “Criminals”. Crime Recompense and Deterrence instead of “Punishment”.

Posted by admin in America

“At the end of the day, the system [of punishment and jail] economically is unsustainable.  At the rate we’re going. we’re just going to put everyone in Prison.” Bernard Kerik NYC’s top cop – interview by Jessica Humphrey Cintinio _ “Talk of the Town” magazine Holiday 2014. What’s wrong with Punishment? According to Bernard Kerik, […]

Monday, October 20th, 2014 at 12:22pm

Hey! Stop grabbing my Nuts, you cheeky taxman.

Posted by admin in America

On top of the obvious taxes; income, payroll, sales, SS and Medicare you are also paying all sorts of hidden taxes.   You pay Business’ taxes. Business does not pay property tax, excise tax, import/export tax, business tax or regulatory expenses (over a trillion dollars just for federal regulations).  Business does not pay sales tax, airplane tax, […]

Monday, July 28th, 2014 at 9:17am

The Joke of Foreign Aid is on us.

Posted by admin in America

First an Actual Joke.  This one just Kilt ‘em.       And Now Laddies and Lassies, here’s where the Joke’s on us.  The enemy of my enemy is STILL my enemy, in the long run.   The US funded and gave weapons to the Islamic Terrorists, Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban, (to fight the […]

Friday, June 13th, 2014 at 11:01am

Today’s CULTure

Posted by admin in America

Today’s culture has become a CULT-ure heavily influenced by our Political Parties and by the manipulations of foreign enemies whose mission was to destabilize our country by demeaning and replacing our foundational American, Judeo-Christian values, family structure and making the populace dependent on the government to kill our sense of charity and stop people from […]

Thursday, October 24th, 2013 at 1:01pm

Be Aware.

Posted by admin in America

You are welcome to proceed on a journey of de-programming Secular, Religious, Political, Social, Media and Educational conditioning, to see clearly what must be done to achieve a Government and Society that meets the standards and ideals of the Founder’s United States, and the social covenant of the Ancient Israelite Society, upon which its principles were based.   No current Pundit, Blogger, Politician, Intellectual, Scientist, Economist, philosopher, Educational institution, individual Teacher or Religious authority has […]
