

Karl Marx's philosophy of the totalitarian Communal/Collective led the world into more economic ruin, suffering and death than ever before in Human History. Rulers of countries subscribing to National Socialism (Nazi) and Class based Socialism (Communism) burned, gassed, starved, tortured and executed tens of millions of innocent men, women and children. Still persisting today, the methods of Socialism such as taking wealth under duress from one group to distribute to another ruin free markets and keep most of the world's economies in a state of turmoil and failure. The Socialist philosophy perverts our cultures into countenancing theft and dependency that usurps our character and sense of responsibility, debases our artistic expression and hold us in a primitive emotional state where fear, jealousy and envy rule over rationality. The USA, which had retained some of an economic system and culture based on Judeo-Christian principles is on the brink of succumbing to the deadly parasite of Socialism. Unequaled freedom is about to be lost to the tyranny of the all powerful and controlling Communal state. I hope therefore to be of assistance in turning back this tide of destruction. I have tried to explain and codify the Foundational principles of American Society which are based on the 10 Utterances/Realities/Commandments so we have a guidebook and a moral high ground from which to conduct a better campaign to educate our Educators and eventually recapture our Country.


Problem: Immigrants from third world countries suck up welfare, food stamps, housing, education and other "free" benefits, that you and I pay for.   Illegal aliens roam the country committing crimes with impunity.  And we can't talk about the reality without being shouted down, by conditioned government media shills, as "racist" or some other pejorative nonsense.   […]


The Constitutional meaning of Welfare and Verbicide

Welfare has been redefined from it’s original Constitutional Meaning into its OPPOSITE… WealthFare.  Just as George Orwell wrote in “1984”, government will get around contracts, tradition, law and moral codes simply by, what he called, “Newspeak” – changing the meaning of the original words to gain a result not given by the original definition.  Welfare […]


Does Voting = Democracy?

There are only two forms of government. OVER the people or OF the people.   OVER the people Communism and Socialism is a government of central planning.  Communism nationalizes the means of production.  Socialism regulates them.  The Communist/Socialist party Over the people. Monarchy, Dictatorship and any system of POLITICAL PARTIES or factions is the rule of the few over […]


Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz.. For the USA, there’s no relief in this.

When I am sick, I want instant relief.   A cure is not my immediate priority, especially if it will involve more hardship and pain.  Usually the sickness will pass, so temporary relief of symptoms is a good approach.   However, if the instant relief makes things worse or the problems persist or they get too big to dismiss, I am confronted with the realization that the problem is systemic […]


We don’t agree because there are Aliens among us!

Both political sides accuse the other of not being in touch with reality. Which one is correct?    It must be you.  Right?   After all, you know what is real don’t you?  Your friends back you up and the media you tune into, know the same thing.    So – if the other party says it […]
