Lawyers allowed to run amok in a Socialist environment have driven up the cost of everything.
Why should a Doctor be responsible for a person that neglected their health for 50 years? Only Socialist Philosophy that removes all responsibility from the victim and the Lawyers who sue make it so.
Lawyers increase Health Care costs by forcing doctors to test for everything to avoid being sued for neglect and through malpractice insurance’s rising price.
Lawyers, who represent one side and carry the Socialist Philosophy of always representing the victim into Judgeship are destroying our Constitution’s boundries on government. Judges are first Lawyers. Judges need to treat both sides equally. The two professions seem to be at odds. A judge who is still a Lawyer is not qualified to Judge impartially.
President Obama is a Lawyer. So is his wife. They are also Socialists and community activists.
Every Democrat nominee since 1984 went to law school (although Gore did not graduate).
Every Democrat vice presidential nominee since 1976, except for Lloyd Bentsen, went to law school.
Harry Reid is a lawyer. Nancy Pelosi is a lawyer.
Republicans who still represent Foundational American values are business people, doctors, farmers, teachers – real people doing real work… who are often the targets of lawyers.
Lawyers fight for their client – the victim – against the opposing party. The lawyers view is the same as the Socialist’s view.
Lawyers always parse language to favor their side as do Socialists. They put down and demonize the other side as the Democrats put down and demonize Republicans.
Lawyers use the power of government (the legal branch) to force the opposing party to yield their wealth to their client (victim) just as the Socialist does to equalize results.
Do we limit lawyers or do we fix the laws? Let’s see what fixing the Law does. All Laws must be re-evaluated, reconstructed or eliminated if they do not meet the criteria of FAV.
When the Communists take over, that’s what they do. Shouldn’t we eliminate the Communist laws from our books?